Friday, May 06, 2016

Adventure: New Hatchy

When John and I moved in together, he had a new hobby: raising and breeding insects. Over the years, I have had the pleasure of seeing several insects I normally would not have had the chance to see up close. I love tiny creatures.

The other day, we had a new hatchy: Hyalophora Cecropia! I know that sounds scary, but really it is quite beautiful. This is a moth native to PA. We had a male hatch, we released him after a couple days. Then another male hatched. The day he passed away, a female hatched from her cocoon.
It is sad that they did not hatch together so they could mate. We set the female outside at night in hopes that her pheromones will attract a mate. However, either it is too early in the season or we are no longer a region of their natural habitat as no mates have come to her yard.

Most moths are nocturnal, so you wouldn't see them about in the day like you see butterflies. But they are just as beautiful.  

Say hello to the Cecropia Moth.